How to improve Hemorrhoids Diet


Wrong nutrition is one of the causes of the onset of hemorrhoids, but can also be used as an excellent care for their healing. Feeding correctly, and paying attention to the foods, the problem may disappear faster so the physical can regenerate itself more actively and quickly.

In light of these considerations, we see a suitable diet plan to defeat hemorrhoids, preferable during the suffering and to replicate whenever occur episodes of constipation, which could overload the body and thus lead to the appearance of the problem in the most delicate subjects and prepared.

Hemorrhoids diet for a week

– A sandwich of fresh wholemeal bread with a couple of tablespoons of natural blueberry jam
– a green decaffeinated tea
– a banana or a fruit of your choice
– a handful of fresh fruits such as walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts

– A low-fat yogurt plain or blueberry
– a fresh fruit
– a glass of cranberry juice bio

– A serving of whole grains with fresh vegetables, served with a raw olive oil spoon or a seasoned whole wheat pasta with fresh tomatoes and basil, or a fresh vegetable salad dressed with lemon and olive oil
– a fresh fruit

– A fresh fruit
– some wholemeal biscuit prepared at home
– a glass of cranberry juice bio

– Seasonal vegetables seasoned with a little bit of parmesan cheese and a raw olive oil spoon, or a soup of whole fresh vegetables (prepared with our own hands and not frozen)
– as main dish a serving of lean fish, chicken or cooked turkey grilled and seasoned with chopped vegetables and a tablespoon of olive oil; as a side dish a nice portion of cooked vegetables with a choice of spinach, chard or green leafy vegetables in general. Or a boiled egg with abundant vegetable garnish.
– A low-fat desserts made with fruit and herbal tea purifying

As we can see, hemorrhoids diet is mainly based on the consumption of fruit and seasonal vegetables, and lunch can be eaten raw, while for dinner it is better to choose them in the cooked version, definitely more digestible. Carbohydrates are insured by whole grains, which at the same time represent a good source of fiber for the body and therefore an important weapon to combat constipation.

The breakfast is done with fresh wholemeal bread, fruit and cranberry juice, products that protect the vein walls and improve circulation. In this way, constipation is counteracted in the morning and the physical can count on a good source of energy from fruit nutrients and carbohydrates bread.

In the morning it is important to eat a handful of nuts, which contain omega 3 from the important lubricating effect and regenerating tissue. The fruit intake is repeated to snack and even during lunch if you want. In total it is necessary to take at least two portions of fruit, to hydrate the body and allow the bowel to rediscover a normal regularity.

For lunch you should prefer whole grains, so spelled, quinoa, wheat and any other cereal not shine, even rice or whole wheat pasta that provides lots of fiber and so much energy to continue your day counting on a good energy supply. The cereal may be associated with fresh vegetables and also to big salad with seasonal vegetables.

For dinner, the meal can be composed of meat and lean fish, steamed or grilled and served with a nice portion of cooked vegetables. Dinner can start with a vegetable soup, prepared with your own hands. In this way, the dinner brings important vitamins and minerals, and prepares the night with softening foods.

During hemorrhoids diet it is important to drink at least two liters of water a day, and to consume a purifying herbal tea in the evening. Drinking a lot facilitates diuresis, helps the bowel to work better, so do not allow constipation to give life to hemorrhoids and makes every process related to food digestion easier and faster.

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