Are Lactobacilli good for hemorrhoids?


Hemorrhoids are a problem that affects many people in the world, and that are caused by many factors. The main cure to this problem begins with the proper nutrition and the choice to consciously integrate the daily diet with products that improve intestinal transit, and effectively counteract episodes of constipation. Many people assume lactobacilli to make the bacterial flora stronger to improve the intestinal transit, but is it the right choice?

The answer is undoubtedly yes, where the problem is derived from constipation, but also by diarrhea. Both dysfunction may in fact be due to the appearance of the hemorrhoidal disease and the proper integration of lactobacilli helps to strength the digestive system and also to counteract the onset of microbes and bad bacteria, which weaken the organism.

In particular, it is very helpful to take Lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium which belongs to the genus of Lactobacillus and that is often used in combination with Streptococcus thermophilus to make yogurt. These bacilli naturally live in the human intestine and work to counteract the action of harmful microorganisms, then part of the family of probiotics, positive bacilli for humans.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is therefore endeavor to prevent and treat diarrhea, but also intestinal obstruction and irritable bowel disease. It is of great aid that may be introduced naturally by nutrition and right integration and that can be crucial in the fight against hemorrhoids.

At the same time, it is useful to search for these bacilli in yogurt and fermented foods that may contain them. For centuries the Asian nutrition proposes fermented foods, rich of probiotics and positive for the organism.

Many of these foods are of great value, like healthy Kefir, Caucasian drink that can be aquatic base or milk until umeboshi plums and fermented preparations such as miso, tempeh, and kombucha tea, elixir of life which is used to reinvigorate the intestines and also to bring wellness to the entire body in moments of exhaustion.

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