What to eat to fight Hemorrhoids

Alimentazione Emorroidi

Hemorrhoids are a very common problem, affecting the 20% of the world population. It is a problem that affects the bearings positioned near the anus, which are rich in nerve endings and blood vessels, which for various reasons become enlarged and can therefore get to prolapse. Hemorrhoids can be caused by a plurality of factors, but between the main ones we put the wrong feeding.

These are issues related to the choice of foods and poor eating habits such as eating too many fatty foods, and the introduction of low-fiber, vitamins and minerals. Hemorrhoids can be amplified due to the intake of particularly spicy foods and even alcoholic drinks, and much can be done to prevent and treat this problem through proper nutrition.

Basically diet against hemorrhoids should be light and healthy, must include a lot of fiber and low fat foods. The choice may fall on whole grains and requires abandoning sugars and refined products from the oven, especially the industrial ones that are high in preservatives. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed consistently, at least three times a day, and is ideal to drink lots of water to counter constipation, the main cause of the problem.

The diet should consist of fresh and soothing foods and is necessary to abandon every kind of exciting food and drinks such as coffee, tea and chocolate and spices like chili, pepper and even curry. Simplifying diet and cooking foods with reading methodologies, nutrition can help to counteract constipation, but also can soothe quickly the irritated area and appease the pain that is felt during the hemorrhoidal disease.

It is an easy choices, which do not require special waivers, the one to abandon particularly exciting and irritating to the intestine foods and drinks. In their place it is ideal to take plenty of fluids benefits, such as fruit juices and natural vegetables and herbal teas, who know how to make better digestion and offer emollients to the gastro-intestinal tract.

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