Thrombosed hemorrhoids

intervento chirurgico

Thrombosed hemorrhoids are among the most painful and annoying ones, since they induce the symptoms of burning and continuous itching, that does not subside or while sitting or standing and are rather difficult to treat. It is an higher pain than the normal irritation of the hemorrhoidal area, as it is formed inside of the thrombus, or of solid masses that are caused by a process of blood clotting.

The cause lies in the delicate tissue vascularized of hemorrhoids, for further internal and external stresses it forms these clots which occur with a very intense color, which changes from red to deep blue.

In these cases the normal topical, pharmacological or natural solutions do not have the desired effect and sufferers must rely on more intense remedies. It is important to pay attention to the degeneration of the problem, or the possible appearance of perianal edema.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids can be successfully treated by cortisone applications, or with a cure of steroids that immediately fire through the area and subside the pain, but also dealing with surgical incisions to block the thrombus and then heal the affected area. A Different approach is required for perianal edema, since it must be treated with special surgical therapies.

Why can thromboses hemorrhoids occour? Some individuals are more sensitive than others and thrombi in the anal area can be triggered by various causes, primarily by an intense constipation that requires particularly important efforts to evacuate, but also by the practice of maintaining a sitting position for long periods or even from incorrect eating habits and behavior, such as the continuous intake of alcohol which weaken the physical.

Once discharged the causes of the onset of the problem, it is important to act quickly to prevent multiply blood clots and to give relief to the affected people, who can not lead a normal life while suffering from this condition. The main treatments for the cure of thrombosed hemorrhoids are based on manual ones or surgical interventions.

Initially the thrombosed hemorrhoids are treated with the ligation technique: an elastic is applied to their base and blocks the blood flow and thus causes the necrosis of this area. Usually it takes ten days for the process to be completed and, at its end, the wound can start to heal. In the most serious cases of thrombosed hemorrhoid doctors choose to implement the sclerotomia, or the injection of an irritant chemical agent that also in this case has the task to lead to necrosis of the affected area.

In milder cases, the thrombosed hemorrhoids are engraved in the sections where they are formed clots, then deflate and may subsequently be treated with topical solutions. Usually, thrombosed hemorrhoids which are formed as a result of occasional episodes are absorbed from the sun, with the help of a natural pharmacologists prepared and etched times. It is essential to correct the wrong habits, to eat properly and stop taking certain habits, such as to sit a lot and do little physical activity.

The motion and physical activity effectively counteract the onset of hemorrhoids, because allow to happen a proper oxygenation of the blood and make the walls more healthy and elastic. Those who continually suffer from constipation should try to implement a targeted diet, high in fiber and healthy food, which helps to solve the problem and can not unleash it in the future.

In severe cases of thrombosed hemorrhoid doctors usually choose to surgically remove the area. This is the last choice to be implemented, an operation that is chosen when all other treatments and remedies have not produced a satisfactory result. Hemorrhoids are, in fact, an important part of the body, which performs a function of both containment of liquids, solids and gases, but also aid in the evacuation.

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