The six main causes of hemorrhoids

cause emorroidi

Hemorrhoids are a very painful disease, which seems to affect about half of the world’s population. The causes of hemorrhoids appearance can be of different nature.

Even hemorrhoids signs and symptoms are different, it depends on their severity degree, but they usually start with heartburn, pain while evacuating and problems related to the digestive system.

So let’s see which are the six main causes of the onset of hemorrhoids.

1- Constipation. Constipation must be put first among the causes of the disease. Constipation can, in turn, result from various factors: genetic ones, others connected to a wrong diet or to a lack of hydration. Whatever the cause, constipation leads to straining hemorrhoidal veins; they are obstructed and then begin to ignite. The problem solution is not always easy, since each case asks to be independently analyzed. But we know that an high in fiber diet, the practice of drinking plenty of fresh water and the habit of eating fruit and vegetables can help to solve the problem and thus also improve the condition of hemorrhoids.

2- Some sports practices. Unfortunately, hemorrhoids are associated with some sports practice, primarily horse riding, followed by cycling and body building. In fact, the constant rubbing that occurs between the saddle and the door sections concerned can inflame this zone, and then can lead to the appearance of the sore bearings. The cure resides in decreasing the sports practice when this problem occurs, and employ topical substances which can soothe the pain.

3- Sedentary lifestyle. Who doesn’t do any movement is naturally led to fatigue the blood vessels, which do not receive a proper oxygenation. This habit, if prolonged in time, may give birth in the most delicate people to hemorrhoids. The solution? Play a steady, even light physical activity, maybe combining beneficial walks in a few moments of race, and the practice of beneficial physical activities such as yoga and gymnastics.

4- Obesity. Obese people are more likely to get hemorrhoids than those with an healthy weight. Everything hinges on the anal pressure, which leads the areas concerned to catch fire. Obesity is a real disease that must be cured by following special medical care. So in these severe cases it is essential to consult a specialist who can give way to a healing process, to solve the issue related to the onset of hemorrhoids.

5- Improper hygiene habits. Many people have the habit of sitting reading on the toilet. The pressure on the veins brings them to bulge, and is therefore useful to avoid this habit.

6- Pregnancy. It is known that many pregnant women are subject to the appearance of hemorrhoids, since this period is accompanied with hormonal changes that affect the third half of pregnancy. Even childbirth can lead to the appearance of the problem because of the strong pushes, but, in these cases, the disease heals once the birth and once taken the right treatment measures.

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