Grandmother’s advices to solve the problem of Hemorrhoids

rimedi della nonna

At one time there were not all drugs and the preparations we have nowadays but hemorrhoids existed… So how did our grandparents cure them? With lots of patience and common sense, using treatments that are now called the “grandmother remedies“.

It is an absolutely natural choices, since at one time people were cured with what they could find in their environment, with flowers, plants and fruit and even with simple methods that were intended to alleviate the problem naturally. So let’s see what are the most effective remedies grandmother to quell the symptoms of hemorrhoids and to treat them in a wise and ancient.

We start from the prunes water, a grandmother remedy that aims to cure hemorrhoids in its causes, or in constipation. Hemorrhoids can arise because people suffer from constipation and make much effort to evacuate. As a result of continuous efforts the area becomes inflamed and can even prolapse. Go to the bathroom becomes a nightmare and the problem becomes so embarrassing that often is hard to talk about it, even with their doctors.

Here is that those who suffer from constipation and has a delicate physique can choose to change the diet, taking fiber and drinking lots of fluids that soothe the intestines and make it easier to deal with the digestive process. You can prepare in the evening prune water, a grandmother remedy for hemorrhoids which really works. Put in a pitcher a liter of water and leave to infuse a handful of good quality prunes. In the morning, when you wake up, you have to assume this water which contains many laxatives ingredients useful for evacuation.

As for the topical remedies for hemorrhoids, our grandmothers used Vaseline, a protective product, better still if chosen in the natural version. Vaseline is mixed with two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of egg white and a bit of barley flour for a tablespoon of Vaseline and the mixture should be kept in the refrigerator to avoid perishing.

It is important to spread that cream everyday in the affected area, making sure to pull out of the fridge the preparation you need for the application. Do not apply iced cream. The intense cold gives, in fact, an immediate relief to hemorrhoids, but is not intended as a forward-looking remedy, because once finished the relief effect veins become irritated and the problem can worsen considerably.

Even the vinegar turns out to be a good grandmother remedy against hemorrhoids. It may take 12 milliliters of water with added 3 ml of vinegar and, every night, before bed, you can apply this solution with a little of cotton wool on problem areas. The apple vinegar can also be taken orally, because it is a powerful disinfectant and softening of the digestive system. Once the main meal is useful to drink a good quality apple vinegar diluted in a glass of plain water drunk at room temperature.

A final very effective grandmother remedy for hemorrhoids is based on the application of mashed potatoes on the affected area. As we know, potatoes have a strong wicking action and are also used to soothe sunburn as they absorb heat and soothe the skin. You can then prepare a sort of puree with mashed potatoes, wait for it to grow cold and then rinse with water and soap, making sure that water is always warm, never too hot or iced.

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