Drugs to treat hemorrhoids

farmaci emorroidi

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, medication may be an appropriate solution, especially if hemorrhoids are very painful, with bleeding and prolapse.

The medications for hemorrhoids are two types, those that can be freely purchased in pharmacies without prescription and those that ask for a prescription, because they are very powerful or contain special pharmacological principles, to be used in particular dosage.

A good drug for hemorrhoids is able both to quell the pain than to solve the problem in its external manifestation, or is proposed as the basis for healing and to avoid any surgical operations.

It is essential to go by your doctor, as hemorrhoids are a problem that certainly can heal independently, but in some cases can threaten to worsen and thus requiring more invasive and painful procedures. In the light of these considerations, it becomes important to know which are the drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

When hemorrhoids are not particularly severe, you can turn to topical treatments that can be purchased over the counter medication. These are creams, ointments and foams that act as pain sedative and with their active ingredients can heal wounds, deflating the affected areas thus making it easier to cure.

It is known that drugs for the hemorrhoids treatment are based on cortisone or hydrocortisone, a steroid used to cure many irritations that, however, presents some side effects. Cortisone can give rise to problems of irritation, sensitization and can not be used for long periods of time.

This medication can not, moreover, be used in presence of scars or other wounds because it retards healing. At the counter of the pharmacy there are available drugs for hemorrhoids that don’t contain it, such as the Preparation H, a classic remedy for hemorrhoids based on a synthetic yeast and phenylephrine, a molecule that constricts blood vessels and which can also be used during pregnancy.

An alternative of hydrocortisone are nifedipine based drugs, a special molecule that relaxes muscles. Proctolin, Emorril, Prepacort, Doloproct and Ultraproct are classic examples of drugs for hemorrhoids that contain anesthetic agents.

Their use leads to alleviate burning and itching that accompanies the disease, but in many subjects can trigger skin allergies. If you search an anesthetic effect it is useful to use painkillers that have a basic ibuprofen or naproxen, or a simple aspirin, which contrasts the pain and limits swelling. In any case, it is essential to ask a consultation from your doctor that according to the understanding of the structure of the patient, can recommend the right medication for your problem.

Many topical medications for hemorrhoids treatment contain protective agents, which are chemical ones, such as petroleum jelly or zinc oxide. These substances involved in creating of the protective film that therefore do not allow the contact of hemorrhoids with the outside and bring a faster healing.

Drugs for hemorrhoids treatment must not be recruited for a period of time more than seven days. If at this time you do not have satisfactory results it is essential to re-consult your doctor, and then think of an alternative therapy, because medicines agents couldn’t find a solution for hemorrhoids or have not been accepted by the body.

In this case you can either ask for a different drug therapy, perhaps based on alternative substances contained in products such Doven and Aven, or find an alternative route in taking counter products such as Venoruton, the Tegens or Elastoven, which do not require a medical prescription to be purchased in pharmacies.

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